People with eyes should look away NOW

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hold it right there!!

You have been blacklisted! This is not because of the frequency of the pings, but due to the possible objectionable/non genuine nature of the blog.

Let's just get one thing straight, we at The Adventures of Phillip Hitech offend only the offendable, those that are offended by the most inoffensive thing. If you don't like it, don't read it.



Blogger Manny Kulkowski said...

Yeah, ya bunch of Cockwashers.


Blogger Ruby Blathergab said...

What's happened? I'm new to the blogging thing. If people are leaving you nasty messages, fuck 'em. They can move on. There's room enough in the world for stuff-shirt assholes with no sense of humor. The world needs more people like you guys who bring smiles to those enlightened enough not to take every goddamned thing so friggin' serious. Don't even get me started on all the pain-in-the-ass-close-minded-know it-all-buzz-kill-pig-fuckers out there who want to tell the rest of us what is and isn't appropriate.

Screw the bastards.


Blogger Manny Kulkowski said...

Yep, you got it Pamela. Screw all them bastards. Ain't the first time we've been excluded, started way back in history, and it won't be the last for sure. Nice to know we made somebody out there mad enough to complain but they won't be getting any complimentary beef slices or anal pornography, oh no no no.
We've located the whiney bastards and sent our own 'dirty bomb' in the form of staff writer Alan Scrotum to have a word. Watch out for his smelly brown finger. He likes to point.


Blogger Ruby Blathergab said...

he likes to point....LMAO!!!!!


Blogger Ruby Blathergab said...

Manny: I answered your queries (left in my comments section) in an actual post. Go there for all the information you'll need for your current set of problems.
XO Ruby



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